Kiwanis Data Entry Site
How To Use The Kiwanis Data Entry Site
Welcome and thanks for your help with delivery and data entry.
This is where the information from the invoice you have retained after delivering cards is entered into our electronic system. This data entry is paramount in helping us run our TV Bingo efficiently and effectively. By entering the required information regularly, we are better able to manage distribution, sales and marketing.
Entering the information is easy and only takes a couple of minutes. Here is a guide to help you along the way.
Step 1
Enter the information from the invoice into the fields provided. Please enter the info carefully, errors may be misleading and can alter sales/distribution outcomes.
Step 2
After all fields have been filled out completely, click submit. This will send the necessary information to the bingo manager in a spreadsheet-style database. If you have more than one stores, once you hit SUBMIT, on the next page it will ask you to Click Here to enter returns for more stores.
Step 3
Retain a copy of the invoice from the store(s) to which you delivered. The bingo office will need to have the physical copy of all invoices so please mail them to the Kiwanis office at the end of each month. The unsold cards can be discarded into your recycling.
Messages can be seen in the database by the manager but can not be responded to. Please keep messages brief and relevant to bingo operations. Please bring any urgent issues to our attention as soon as possible.
If you are experiencing trouble entering info into the system, try again in a little while. Sometimes, for various reasons, the system will not recognize certain entries. The problem normally resolves itself.
If you have any questions, or require assistance, please feel free to contact us by email at
Sincere thanks for your time and continued support!
The Bingo Team